Nice job man. I'm a fan of goa myself, so I'm glad you made this. Do you have msn? I'd really like to get some more tips from you. :)
eh short review.. :(
p3n0r? D:
Nice job man. I'm a fan of goa myself, so I'm glad you made this. Do you have msn? I'd really like to get some more tips from you. :)
eh short review.. :(
p3n0r? D:
MSN? I don't use MSN much or anything, but, if you really wanna talk to me...
Check ya later, and thanks for the review.
This is your first attempt at drum n' bass I'm assuming? Very good. Here are a few things to work on:
-the bass in the beginning was way too long for the kick, a little ajusting of the release should do the trick.
-try compressing or equalizing your music, the high frequencies got to me and probably anyone who listens to this at a high volume.
Yea, you just have a few minor problems. For the most part I really liked it, It had an intensity with that really low sine bass at the start of each phrase and the crazy drum patterns. I liked how you threw in a bit of 4 step trance, it mixed up the song a bit. Keep it up!
Aye man thanx for the tips I appreciate it! I'll try making some more DnB tracks. And maybe remix some under video game!
cool :D
You've got a really awesome kick sample there, I just wanted to point out. :P The synth filter at the beginning made me thing that it was a bass... hmm. I like it though, good job.
P.S. Would you mind checking out some of my stuff? I'd really like to hear your opinion.
i like your song {Midnight} it kinda made me think of my name XD
This has a really good beat to it, I was dissappointed about how short it was. :( Oh well, I really liked it. The melody was nice too, you also did a great mastering job. I'm testing out my new subwoofer right now, this was a good song to do it on. :P Keep up the great work, I look forward to more tracks.
P.S. Do you think you could check out some of my stuff? I'd really like to hear your opinion.
i fugured out how i got this melody!!! that main synth melody is from Muse - Our Time Is Running Out!!!! ha! thats funny.. :)
thanks for the review! and i will be right there!
omg this is hilarious
this your voice i presume?
I did the beat and had my friend do a voiceover since he has a deep voice.
i like that beginning. The snare could have been a bit louder, though. The acid is cool. Me likes. :)
All you need is a heavy bass drum, and possibly a little more rhythmic construction. Did you compress this? It might keep it more balanced if you turned it down slightly.
So just make things stand out a bit more, that's it. I like it though, it needs a bit more character though.
Oooh nice thing there with the pan. :) The ending is sweet, too. :)
Ah, good work dude. I look forward to hearing more from you soon. Keep it up!
Thanks man, I churned this one out super quick just for the hell of it. I should go back to it though, because I was kind of happy with some of the acid.
You're dead right man, compression is way off on this one. I lost the plot a bit! damn!
The next one will hit the spot, I promise!
Thanks for dropping by, you're getting to be the 'Master of the AP'. Always appreciate your feedback. But go easy on the 10's ok? ;P
nice, very relaxing
I'm liking the strings there.
That ambient synth reminds me of this level in donkey kong. The bubbling is great too. Oh, and I just noticed-- you might want to set your poly limit a bit higher on the synth.. just a suggestion.
+ excellent melodies :)
+ quietly powerful, I don't know how do explain in other words.
- poly limit on synth... yep.
So that's about it. I like it, even though it's a big jump in what you usually do. Keep up the great work!
Exotic, powerful, creative.
hehehe. Nice toms at the beginning. I love the jungle sound. :D The beat is kickin'.
ooooh! Crazy lead. I'm digging the stutter. The harmony here is a nice change, I'm guessing this is the 'Anthem' part. Cool. :)
Ahh, creative. Your dropping the toms on the offbeat. Me likes. Excellent use of exotic percussion, man. Reminds me of a Revenge song.
Insane song. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more recognition. :\ This is possible platinum stuff.
And the breakdown-
+ Interesting percussion, along with the familiar trance beat to keep it centered.
+ Nice use of reverb and stereo, the bass more in the middle and everything else spreads out.
+ Creatively done, very professional sound + perfect mastering.
- Possibly too repetitive? Maybe throw in an arp or two. That might take away from the anthem-ness, though.
- Little pitched bass, the bass drum was pretty much the only source. Its minor, but I think it might up the groovyness a bit.
Awesome work man, downloaded & 5'ed. I can see some experimenting on your part, keep it up!
P.S. Do you mind checking out my new song 'Mercury'? I tried using some stuff I learned from your style, along with some orchesteral melodies. :) I think you might like it.
Thanks for the nice comments, but I know this song isn't that good. I'm probably going to take the time to make a V2 or something. Cause this version just isn't satisfying me, you know?
I'll drop you a review, but rememeber, asking a review from me is like asking for punishment from the devil.
neato :P
lolol speech synth :P
I love that thing.
I'll have to make it short, my parents want me off. >_>
+ nice adaption, synths work well with eachother.
+ very pulsing beat, It's your signature. :)
- a bit more environment to the lead, reverb or stereo enhancers should do the trick.
- some build-ups/breakdowns? I felt the song kinda stayed in the same mood the entire time.
hmmmmmmmmmmm nice song.
ok, keep up the great work!
do you mind checking out my new song 'Midnight'? I think you might like it. :)
Thanks for the review, I'll check out your song!
whee, collabs. :)
Nice bass at the beginning. Personally, I don't think that the reverb is that neccessary, but that's just me. Possibly some more mid on the guitar? The bass drum could use a bit more of a drive to it, but that's all I'm gonna gripe about because this song is pretty kick ass if I do say so myself.
Creative workings there with the combination, it's been awhile since I've heard a electronic rock song. It reminds me of the matrix battle theme... :) The drums were pretty intense along with the synths. The clean guitar was pretty cool too, I'm guessing a little multitracking went into this? Pretty fun song.
+ Nice combo with guitar/electronic
+ Great samples for the most part
+ Nice build-ups
- The guitar seems to be out of tune :(
- some equalizing problems, no biggie
- things tend to get blurred together
I would suggest mixing it up a bit, the volumes are sometimes higher than they should be at times. A little automation should do the trick.
Props to you and Speedmetalmessiah, I know how hard it is to pull off a collab. You guys seemed to do an excellent job even so. I look forward to hearing more from you two! Keep up the great work!
btw, do you mind checking out my track 'Midnight'? I think you might like it. ^^
The bass cannot be any louder, I tried and all that happens is it clips and distorts...which sounds shitty. The bass is quite loud as it is, you just have to have good speakers which give awesome bass.
The guitar did need more mid range, but it was heavy and the more midrange I put on it meant that it drowned out everything else.
The guitar solo did sorta sound a little out of tune, but then it cuts through teh music more and make it more predominant.
Just syncronizing all of the instruments took me bloody ages, so after I had dont that I became lazy with the equalizing :P
Thanks for the review Comandbeans
p.s im checking your track right now
Joined on 6/20/06